Sunday, April 7, 2019

Celebrating "Black History Month ALL Year!" March 2019 (Alexis Garrett)

This month Walk and Talk with God features ‘Alexis Garrett’ who is a part of InterVarsity University of Baltimore.

If you would like to support her please contact her at: Alexis Garrett
380 Homeland Southway Apt 2B Baltimore, MD 21212

Please read below for her most recent Ministry Update.
As I take time to reflect on the last few month's, I am truly grateful for God's abundant faithfulness. This semester our Bible study series is focused on Christian community; looking at Jesus' teachings as a model of creating community. Our vision is to create and maintain welcoming spaces for other students explore and deepen their faith. We see the longing University of Baltimore students have for community and belonging on campus, and we want to provide a place to continue to foster that community on campus.
BCM Staff Team at RELEASE Conference 2019
BCM RELEASE Conference 2019
February 8th-9th, we hosted our bi-annual Black Campus Ministry Student Leadership Conference. 192 students from across the Mid-Atlantic Region gathered for a weekend of fellowship, worship and empowerment, as they heard from speakers regarding God's call for their lives.

Below is a synopsis of the conference theme:
"The effects of sin are evident and the response to what we’ve seen is anger, division and malice. What if our response wasn’t the clap back according to the world, but a clap back that challenges the status quo and demonstrates the love of God? One that invites a healthy response, sheds light in darkness, breaks down walls of hostility, catalyzes healing, and influences others in the likeness of Jesus Christ? One that encompasses the whole of who we are as people of the African diaspora, using our prophetic voice to bringing collective liberation and advancing the Kingdom of God in the earth?"
By the end of the conference, we had 12 students recommit their lives to Jesus, 7 students committed to sharing their faith with their friends, and 19 students interested in doing spring and summer missions trips. Praise the Lord!
God is truly moving in the lives of students throughout the region!

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