Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Walk and Talk with God Sweatshirt Campaign Ends - November 2017

Walk and Talk with God Sweatshirt Campaign Ends - November 2017

We have successfully completed our Sweatshirt Campaign👏🏼🎉🎉🎉😁
Special THANK YOU to all who supported.
Awesome things coming in 2018!!! Stay tuned😁

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Walk & Talk with God T-shirt Campaign - June 29, 2017

Walk & Talk with God t-shirts are back! Order today!!! We are working on some amazing upcoming projects and events. Click here to ORDER
Thanks in advance for your support!😄

👍🏽Walk and Talk with God T-shirt Campaign

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Dr. Ro - America's Health Coach - June 2017


Dr. Ro (America’s Nutrition Coach) is on a mission to help “1 Million people lose 15 million pounds this year!”
Final 15 is shaking up the country! 

More information about Dr. Ro, log on to:
“Like” her facebook page

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Walk & Talk with God Holistic Ministry Sponsors 1 Youth in the Philippines - May 11, 2017

Walk & Talk with God Holistic Ministry is Sponsoring (1 Young Person in the Philippines) for Brother Yrell Medina. Yrell is on fire for God and he has invited "10" Young People who are hungry for GOD, to an Annual Youth Summer Camp. His church is Miracle Of Life International Ministries, Inc.
If you would like to join in with us to support please inbox us or send an email to

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Celebrating our 1st year Anniversary - May 2017

Walk & Talk with God Holistic Ministry, Celebrates "1 year" on May 1, 2017!!!
God is awesome and we are very excited about all of the support we have received and will continue to receive in the future.

Over the last year, we have been able to share information to help others grow in all areas of their lives. We are committed to keep this going. Take care and stay tuned.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Dr. Leo Rebello - April 2017

Dr. Leo Rebello


When God, the finest manufacturer of this intricate body and all that is there, gave you this beautiful body, he also gave you a guarantee card of 100 years of fault free service. But you have misplaced that card and I am going to help you today to find that card and live to be a Healthy Hundred. The following 10 commandments, if followed without compromise, are guaranteed to help you complete a Century with bouncers, yorkers, sixers and fours (Cricketing terms for our American brethren)!
1.. Eat twice a day only, preferably raw.
         Ayurveda recorded this, thousands of years ago. Ayurveda (the Science of Life) enjoins on you to eat a good breakfast, because that is the principal meal of the day, and finish your dinner before sunset. There is also a very apt saying: one who eats one is a Yogi (self-realised), one who eats twice is a Bhogi (glutton) and one who eats thrice is a Rogi (diseased)!
Diet is your Destiny. Many dishes, many diseases. More people die due to overeating than due to malnutrition. But overeating statistics are distributed as deaths due to Obesity. High BP, Diabetes, Cancers, etc
Food sustains life. But as epitomised in the idiom 'not by bread alone', it is not the only thing that keeps life going. Coronaries our lifelines, need fresh air, pure water and fruits. Not fried, fatty and fast food. The ultimate Truth is that life stops when wastes from the ingested food and from the thoughts assimilated are not discharged or expelled regularly and in the quantity equal to intake. Don't indulge and you won't bulge. With increasing age, Wisdom should increase not the weight.
2.. Drink minimum 8 glasses of water to wash out toxins.
          On an average, we lose 3 litres of fluid daily from the body - by way of uirination, perspiration, or through vapour when we speak, as also spitting. The human body is made up of 67% water. Unless this balance is maintained by adequate intake of water, the blood will be surharged with wastes and diseased matter. It will then turn acidic, thick and will not circulate easily. A healthy blood stream should be 70% alkaline and 30% acidic. But because of our wrong eating habits, this ratio is in inverse proportion. Hence diseases.
Less intake of water will lead to constipation, acidity, ulceration, pressure on the kidneys, skin diseases, varicose veins, heart problems, obesity, loss of libido and hosts of other diseases. Hence, it is very essential that you drink adequate water (repeat water, not liquid). Liquid would include tea, coffee, liquor, aerated waters, etc., which are in themselves harmful to health.
3.. Meditate twice a day, for good mental health and stress-free life.
         Tension needs urgent attention to avoid hypertension. Meditation is like going on a holiday, daily. Meditation will help you to relax, to unwind, to improve, to smile, to be happy, to be stress-free, to lead a fuller life.
The difference between Prayer and Meditation is : In prayer you talk to God. In Meditation, you listen to Him. As such, meditation is far superior to prayer and better than going to temples, mosques or churches to meed God.
Meditate ten minutes in the morning and again ten minutes in the night. Too long a meditation itself becomes counter productive. In the morning remind yourself that you have been given one more day of opportunity. The darkness of the night (as also from your life) has vanished. Thank God for one more day of opportunity, for there is no guarantee when you go to sleep that you will ever open your eyes! In the evening when you meditate, recall whether you have done anything wrong, willy-nilly. If so, give auto-suggestion that this will not recur again. "To err is human, but to rise after a fall is manly and glorious"
4.. Exercise for minimum 15 minutes daily and walk upright.
         We have 700 muscles in our body, including our Heart (which is the strongest muscle or pump). These muscles, unless exercised regularly, become weak and sluggish. They atrophy, they become the storehouse of toxins, deposits and fats. The body and internal organs degenerate, all kinds of 'dis-eases' set in and one ages prematurely. Exercise helps you to keep your youthfulnes and vigour.
Surya Namaskar is the easiest form of exercise. It helps you to remove both 'mental' and 'gastrointestinal' constipation. It is the complete exercise which helps you to breathe out and discharge poisons which inhibit life. You could also cycle, swim, skip, jog or play rugged games like tennis, football or hockey, participate in aerobics, dancercises, etc. But please avoid weight-lifting, power-lifting exercises. They stunt your growth, make you slow and reduce your life span.
5.. Fast once a week to give rest to your vital organs.
          All internal organs are vital organs. They work incessantly. Many a time you overload them beyond their capacity with various excesses. Fasting will help them rest and recuperate. By fasting one day, once a week, I mean full 24 hours of liquid intake in which only the following items are permitted - warm water, citric fruit juices, fresh buttermilk (without salt,glucose, sugar or spices), coconut water. No milk, no tea, no coffee, no liquor, no aerated waters are permitted during fasting
To the above five main commandments add the following five subsidiary commandments :
6.. Do not smoke, or take drugs, or drink alcohol. 
         For, too much of tasty toast brings out tummy and troubles.
7.. Do not gamble or cheat.
          Gambling is a psychological affliction, which has runied many. And when you cheat others, you cheat yourself, you cheat God.
8.. Sleep well.
          Body requires 6 to 8 hours of sleep for good physical and mental health. But do not take sleeping pills, for they are habit forming and some day you may overdose and sleep permanently. If you sleep on the right side (liver), it will cool your body; if you sleep on the left (heart) it will heat up your body. Usually the body adjusts in sleep, but one has to be always concious of sleeping positions. During long flights, especially night flights, sleep is very important to get over the jet lag. Also, keep drinking fruits juices and water to avoid dehydration.
9.. Sex is not bad
          Infact, natural sex (not forced, mechanical or bought) is one of the best exercises for good physical and mental health and spiritual wellbeing.
10.. And come what may, go on SMILING.
          Smile is contagious. Why not spread a contagion? Laughter is the best medicine and remember only human beings can laugh. So keep laughing, not like an idiot, but heartily.

***The Humanitarian Service Doctor has also visited our country thrice and more details about him can be found on his website: His books are available on Amazon.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Walk & Talk with God Sweatshirt Campaign ends on March 24, 2017

Fabulous NEWS!!! The Walk & Talk with God Sweatshirt Campaign is still going on now through March 24, 2017.
If you haven't done so already, be sure to place your order to support an AWESOME Holistic Ministry 😄 Thank you in advance!
Click here:

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

King David Tha Vessel - February 2017

The most important thing you can offer a drowning person is a life preserver; from a certain perspective, this can be a true statement. But what if I taught you actually how to swim, so that rather than simply saving your life in one instance, I showed you how to keep your life safe and, by my instruction, teach you to teach others? It's not just enough to lead people in these thirsty times to any simple source of satisfaction for that particular moment: drugs do that. So does alcohol. Sex out of marriage, the same. I need to show people, as a Believer, how to become a well; how to never run out of what they need that will replenish, nourish, and revive them. We make shows, we make scenes, we even make GOD look bad at times, largely because we've forgotten we're to be making disciples; not of ourselves, but of JESUS (Matt.28:18-20).

Follow KD online:
FB: @yieldedmusicgroup
Twitter: @Yieldedman
IG: @thavesselkd

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Meleny Inspires Thomas - January 2017

Happy New Year Everyone! I have a *Special TREAT for you!*
This month we are featuring "Meleny Inspires Thomas."

Who is Meleny? I am a reflection of God's love. A servant, an author, poet, speaker, entrepreneur and lover of life!
This New Year speak positively, love everyone, be happy with closed doors, and rejoice in the small blessings. When we have learned to appreciate the little things, we prove that we are ready to receive MORE! This is a year of IMPACT, go out there and show the world just how great you are! Keep God as the head of your life and He will surprise you with what He can do! - Meleny Inspires
Please check out Meleny's Motivational Message!  

Also, Meleny has a Motivation CD for a special price January 1-21, 2017 
and a FREE Pdf comes with it!

If you would like to learn more about Meleny's Non-Profit Organization 
please log on to